WEDNESDAY : INT - Spring I 2025
This league is for teams who have experience in beach volleyball, but aren't quite ready to play against the advanced teams. In this league you will face teams that have ball control and whose goal is to pass, set, and spike on every volley. The rules should be called tighter than in the REC leagues. There will be NO OPEN HAND RECEIVES ON SERVE, NO FINGER TIP REDIRECTS, NO LIFTS, CARRIES or THROWs, and NO HAND SETS OVER THE NET WITHOUT SHOULDERS BEING SQUARE. ANY contact with the NET is also a fault. Up to (2) ADV players per team, one male maximum. ADV Males are restricted, no spikes, jump serves, girl-blocking etc. while ADV females are unrestricted. Ages 55 & up are also unrestricted.
Each team will get at least 2 double headers this session.
TENTATIVE START DATE: Wednesday (3/12/25)
*1st game MUST be underway by 7:10 or it will be forfeited to the ready team. Limit breaks between sets to 2 mins. max.
The league will be 6 weeks of pool play, and the final week(s) will be playoffs.
Time slots for these games are 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, (10:00* as needed)
Every team will play at least one time slot per week.
Each match will last 60 minutes.
All matches consist of 3 games, rally scoring (21,21,15)*cap at 23,23,17
Teams must have at least one female on the court at all times.
All games will be self-refereed and scored.
No one is allowed to touch the net during play.
Subs are allowed during the regular season. Teams in need of sub during playoffs may use a previous sub from their regular season, or players from ELIMINATED teams. Do not use a player from a team who is available due to a BYE. NO new substitutes during playoffs.
The cost is $280 per team.
Registration Status:
Regular Registration:
Thursday, February 13, 2025 - Sunday, March 9, 2025
Program Duration:
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 - Wednesday, April 23, 2025
Regular Registration Cost: